The Schmederer Family

After the decision was made to start a new chapter in our life living in Melbourne for the next 3 years our first priority was to find the right school for our kids. At that time Martha was 5 years old, just finished her time in Kindergarten while Milla was 9 years old and at the end of Grade 3 in primary school in Munich. As we have planned to get back to Germany our focus was to look for a German related school to guarantee smooth transitions. After some research we have finally found the DSM in Melbourne. Reiner had the chance to visit the school during a business trip some months before and his immediate feedback was: “The girls will love the school!”

Important for us was that the DSM offers the German curriculum combined with a bilingual concept. The size of the school is another factor we have really appreciated. As it is a small school with around 100 kids the DSM provides a different level of individuality and attention. The school has its own charm and within the community of teachers and parents we felt like being part of a family. Milla and Martha liked the nicely furnished and decorated classrooms and the friendly, supportive and engaged teachers. The speed and flexibility to adapt to the lockdown situation and to change to a remote learning mode was impressive and is something we would like to point out.

The way how new kids are inducted and integrated is very professional, well organised and empathetic. Our daughters have been welcomed warmly in their new classes and have made good friends during these last 3 years. Our own integration into the school community was also lovely and easy-going as the school offers a wide range of opportunities to engage and communicate with each other.

After almost 3 years we can definitely say that we have made the right choice with the DSM. The school offered our two girls a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to dig into a new international environment, learning a new language, getting to know friends from different countries with different cultural backgrounds. This outstanding school community will be missed by all of us.