Temporary Enrolment at DSM

DSM provides families with the option to enrol their children for a short period of time - for a minimum of one term and up to one year.

The process for Temporary Enrolment

Application Process

If you are interested in enrolling your children at DSM, we kindly ask you to contact the school and provide the following information: names and birth dates of the children, their current grade, as well as their latest school reports. Please also inform us of when you will be in Melbourne.

Depending on the subclass of visa you enter Australia with, either 'Resident Fees' or 'International Fees' may apply. Please inform us of your visa subclass so that we can check this for you. We will gladly provide you with a rough cost estimate and assist you with any questions.

For the enrolment of your children, we will then need the application form, a copy of the passport, a copy of the birth certificate, and the visa for Australia. In a video call with our school principal, Mr. Jörg Dopfer, we would like to get to know your family and your children, discuss expectations, and answer any questions.

Placement at DSM

Our school follows both the German (Thuringian) and the Victorian/Australian curriculum, which leads to some differences:

The Australian school year starts in January and ends in December, resulting in a six-month offset for children who are not from the Australian system. In most cases, we, therefore, place these children half a year back to give them the opportunity to adjust to the new school system and language without being overwhelmed. In rare cases, children may also be advanced a grade. However, our school principal made this decision after reviewing the latest school reports and consulting with teachers in Germany.

Another deviation is that schooling in Victoria begins at the age of 5 with the so-called Foundation Year, which roughly corresponds to the first half of a German primary school. When children enter Year 1 at DSM, they can already read and write rudimentarily (both in German and English) and perform simple arithmetic operations. Children of school age in Australia who have not attended school in Germany will undergo an individual assessment to determine the most appropriate year level, always keeping the child's interests in mind.

We look forward to arranging a non-binding video call with you to discuss the possible schooling of your children.